Danger Mouse & Jemini 'Born Again' indie exclusive coloured vinyl LP

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Danger Mouse & Jemini 'Born Again' indie exclusive coloured vinyl LP


Danger Mouse & Jemini - 'Born Again' limited edition indie exclusive pacific blue coloured vinyl LP

The previously unheard record retains many of the elements of Danger Mouse and Jemini's debut; the fun- loving, shit- talking innocence, but also adopts a noticeably more introspective and confessional tone. This time, in addition to light-hearted topics such as being an incredible artist (Knuckle Sandwich II, Brooklyn Basquiat), living large and being a magnet for attention (Me), Jemini also delivers highly- personal and occasionally devastating lyrics about missed opportunities and redemption (All I, Born Again), his time in prison (Locked Up) and complicated relationship with his father (Dear Poppa).

This coloured vinyl edition is exclusive to indie stores like us.

Tracklisting -

1. All I

2. Locked Up

3. Me

4. Knuckle Sandwich II

5. Born Again

6. Brooklyn Bazquiat

7. Walk the Walk

8. Where You From

9. Dear Poppa

10. World Music

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